Experience and imagination in health promotion and health service development

I tailor communications to patient perspectives, making links between services/treatments and audiences

  • Service/treatment information

  • Health promotion and behaviour-change resources

  • Development and promotion of testing services (esp. near-patient and home testing)

  • Service directories

  • Infection outbreak information

  • Partnership development of information for clinical settings

  • Marketing and public relations

  • Sexual health promotion campaigns

Below are examples of health promotion campaigns I wrote from concept to delivery for Terrence Higgins Trust, ACON (Australia) and the European Commission

Terrence Higgins Trust - National Campaigns

UK national HIV-prevention campaigns: impactful content for vulnerable populations

I developed strategy, and developed concept, method and content for national campaigns over six years as part of the CHAPS network: Increasing public awareness, developing understanding and supporting behaviour change - with measurable impacts.

Campaign booklets, posters, websites, press ads, service development, promotional and outreach resources.

Selected local campaigns

I developed the concept, method and wrote the content for eight years of impactful campaigns

I strategically leveraged community insights with limited budgets to achieve measurable increases in service awareness, service up-take, audience engagement, testing rates, and community dialogue.

Service development, booklets, posters, websites, press ads, and promotional resources for outreach teams.



Heat of the Moment

It begins with evidence, insight and applied theory

This innovative interactive workbook for patients employed behaviour-change theories to support patient interactions with health service staff when discussing behavioural risks. The accessible exercises can also be completed independently.

This model of interactive workbook was subsequently adopted by the NHS for alcohol risk.

Service development, work book.

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Only a Little Prick / Suck it and See

The innovative ‘Only a Little Prick’ campaign overcame challenges to promote the UK’s first blood test sampling in bars and nightclubs

The positive reception and subsequent development of saliva test technology later enabled the ‘Suck it and See’ campaign, which extended the campaign brand and established what is now routine practice.

Service development, posters, website, T-shirts, press ads, commercial networks.


A Better Life

Co-produced with migrant African patients in the UK. Relevant, accessible, engaging

Building trust and new relationships with migrant populations was the starting point for co-production of this intervention promoting service engagement and HIV testing.

This low-cost two-colour booklet successfully reached target populations, measurably increased service uptake and established new relationships across the sector.

Booklet, posters, press ads, community networking and service development.


Pocket Rocket

What information do younger gay/bi men want? Innovating to deliver accessible content to isolated audiences

Collaboration and co-production with local youth groups was central to this pocket guide to gay/bi life and sexual health, and guided the innovative distribution through retail outlets. Focusing on young men’s priorities for friendship networks, the attractive pop-out booklet was promoted through broadcast media towards female friends of the target audience (the first person most gay/bi men come out to) and distributed through branches of The Body Shop.

Successive years of pop-out print, website, radio ads, shop displays, service/commercial networking.

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Promoting innovations in rapid HIV testing

Concise messages communicate the benefits of testing and promote new rapid testing services

Responding to concerns about delayed and infrequent testing, these messages began with research that identified barriers to testing and the motivations of target audiences, delivering concise messages that highlight motivating values and the attractions of fast test results.

Booklet, posters, press ads, service development.

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The Whole Package

Light-hearted interactive audience engagement addressed dissatisfaction with condom-fit by raising awareness of variety and increasing sampling/distribution

Condom menu inserts in print media invited readers to provide anonymous penis measurements in an engaging debate around the availability, fit and value of differently sized/shaped condoms. To develop and expand real-world discussions, monthly ‘Notes & Queries’ in local magazines published readers' questions together with answers submitted by other readers. The campaign led to a measurable increase in access to better fitting condoms.

Magazine insert condom menu, media partnership, press ads.


Demystifying and Promoting Counselling Services

Acknowledging fears and myths; explaining, normalising and promoting access to counselling

Partnership work with counselling organisations contributed to development and targeted distribution of this campaign, which increased take-up of counselling services.

Booklet, posters, press ads, website content, service networking.

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Hard Days, Hard Nights

Overcoming health promotion fatigue through innovation in audience engagement

Writing this interactive choose-your-own-adventure porn narrative was a fun challenge! It engaged readers with sex-positive story choices, which explore three key factors in risky sex that had been identified in research (alcohol/drugs; loneliness; relationship failure). Each relatable narrative path explores a realistic choice scenario, develops narrative outcomes, presents learning points and provides referrals.

A5 30-page booklet, posters, press ads.

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Patient and staff perspectives on service design/delivery, leading to staff training across the EU

Exploring barriers between healthcare services and patients across the EU. I wrote EU governance applications, conducted training, focus groups and interviews across six countries, collecting qualitative evidence from staff and patients

This international consortium of academic and community partners delivered effective data to commissioners on time and within tight budgets, providing evidence-based strategies to increase awareness/skills, develop services and reduce inequalities.

International consortium, focus groups & interviews, partner training.

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Development and promotion of Newly Diagnosed service

Establishing a responsive multi-agency network of clinical, community and social support services to engage and support patients

I managed development of this project which responded to research indicating that service-engagement in the first weeks after diagnosis are key to patients’ effective coping and retention in care. The project involved staff at all levels, across a complex network of agencies, political engagement, re-allocation of funding, staff training and on-going review.

Service development, staff training, posters, press ads, promotional cards.